Monthly Archives: October 2012

Made In Chelsea – A Feminist’s Defence
by thevagenda
I bloody love Made In Chelsea. I love it so much that I gone done a book. This happy happening came about because lots of other people love the show too, and my ‘light hearted online catch ups’ were spreading about the internet faster than face herpes spreads across an upper lip. However, when […]
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The Mid-Life Crisis of Women’s Magazines
by thevagenda
There comes a point in every woman’s life when she tires of reading about blow jobs (like, tell me something I don’t know) and yearns instead to read of paint jobs. The questions that keep you awake at night are no longer, What does he really think of my new leather hotpants? or, […]
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Woman vs. World
by thevagenda
‘Gender advertising’ isn’t a new or even particularly successful concept, but it just keeps rearing its head like a fucked-up phoenix through the flames anyway. Everyone knows that pink is for girls and blue is for boys, but sometimes, it’s worth taking a step back and pitting the traditionally female products against their […]
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Men in Pubs: A Pint-Sized Issue
by thevagenda
Being a 19 year old female working in a pub can be a strange experience. And no, I’m not talking about a trendy bar in a city centre crawling with hipsters, or even a local that is frequented by ‘those’ types of students looking for real ale. My pub is a fairly typical, […]
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Things You Can Be On Halloween Besides Naked
by thevagenda
This is my jam. Anyone who has seen Mean Girls/is a woman (same thing, yo) will know what the laydees in this video are talking about. In recent years Halloween has become a excuse for women to shed the clothing in favour of sexy costumes, most of which are either shop bought roleplay ensembles such […]
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Lady News Lite
by thevagenda
I like my current affairs in small, digestible chunks and can often be found grazing on Yahoo news, which is situated conveniently close to my e-mail account. It usually contains nothing but the barest bones of a story, topped off with a tea spoon or so of idle speculation, and sprinkled with outraged comments and […]
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How to Say I Love You
by thevagenda
Courtesy of US Cosmo, who clearly have no idea what the life of a modern woman is like. As IF I could afford a dishwasher.
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Grazia Tugs On Our Armpit Hair
by thevagenda
So Netmums did a study on feminism. Actually, it was feMEnism, which looks suspiciously like feMENism (secret patriarchal plot alert!) but is apparently actually just about the rise of individualist feminism, or something like that. Feminism that’s all about ‘me’ rather than, y’know, all those other pesky pronouns. Depressingly, only 1 in 7 out […]
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Abortion: The Only Choice is Pro-Choice
by thevagenda
One day, I might need to have an abortion. And should that day come, I want the process to be as straightforward, pain-free and removed from other people’s moral judgement as deciding to go and buy a bag of chips. Here’s why. I was brought up Catholic. Not just Christmas and Easter […]
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I’m Not a Lena Dunham Hater – I’m Just Jealous
by thevagenda
As you might have heard, last week Lena Dunham sold her first book for $3.7m, far exceeding the paltry million her agent asked for. The internet response to the news was instant and predictable: a mix of excitement and incredulity, quickly followed by a backlash against anyone who dared to suggest […]
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by thevagenda
We thought this Wifestyle bollocks had died a death by now, but judging by this media request sent by one of our moles, it looks as though it’s still got a while to go before rigor mortis sets in. Sometimes we think that we should recruit a crack team of kamikaze feminists to […]
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